Trinity Lutheran

Audio Logic Systems equips Trinity Lutheran Church with Digico SD9

STILLWATER, MN – After hearing demos of its SD8 sibling, and recommendations from integrator Audio Logic Systems, Jake McBroom, AV director at Trinity Lutheran Church, chose a DiGiCo SD9 console for the main worship space. “It handles the FOH mix, the monitor mixes, and all of our other sends including video recording and audio recording-which is incredible that we can have all that functionality in just one console,” McBroom said.
“We are using little to no old technology with this new system that is controlled by the DiGiCo,” he added. “The SD9 is running a hybrid d&b audiotechnik LCR Q series and T-series PA, as well as our Hear Technologies Freedom Back in-ear monitoring wireless system, and is critical to the operation during worship because of it’s reliability, flexibility, and ease of training for all of my techs of varying abilities. The console is very visually based, thus creating a good user learning experience. Overall, the DiGiCo has played an integral role in accomplishing getting great audio quality in our church.”

Trinity Lutheran also facilitates recordings out of its Lift Bridge Recording Studio. “It’s all run through the DiGiCo using the 8-rack analog XLR outs into a PreSonus Fire Studio Project. For the acts that need it, I use the DiGiCo to drive the monitoring during sessions. Eventually, I’d like to use the MADIFace system digital output from the board to the express slot on my Apple MacBook Pro.”

McBroom credited the SD9 for its onboard functionality and features. “I love the internal effects on this board,” he said. “I mainly use the delays to thicken up the vocals and guitars, and I use the reverb to make our direct instruments sound like they belong in the same room as the live mic’d ones.

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